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LAS VEGAS/CARSON CITY, NV - Nepris for Nevada, a collaboration between the Governor’s Office of Workforce Innovation and Nevada Department of Education, will feature eleven informational livestream sessions to middle and high schoolers statewide during Nevada Career Week for two weeks February 13- 24.
These sessions are live webinars and career chats with industry professionals who will explore what their job entails, their personal story of how they overcame barriers to achieve success in their career, and learn about training and career pathways available for students. These industry chats are impactful because they connect careers to classrooms so students have greater access to exciting opportunities and can apply what they're learning in the classroom to their future career pathway.
Each session will have an interactive portion so students and educators can ask questions and engage with industry leaders. The sessions are recorded and uploaded to the Nepris for Nevada platform so teachers can show their classes at a future date.
Here are a few highlights:
- “How Did That Get Here?” - An introduction to Transportation and Logistics with Nick Lester from River City Logistics
- “Engineering in Air Pollution Control” - An in-depth demonstration of air pollution testing and control with Gregg Rosenberg from the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection
- “What Happens When You Lose Your Sense of Sight and Grow your Sense of Smell?” - A session designed to teach students about diversity in the coffee industry with Ian Berry, Owner/CEO/Master Roaster from Blind Dog Coffee
For more information about Nepris for Nevada please visit: