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Make-A-Wish Southern Nevada hosted its 21st annual Walk for Wishes at Town Square Las Vegas last month. Over 1,5000 individuals came out to support the event and the nonprofit raised over $515,000 to help grant life-changing wishes for more than 250 children in Southern Nevada who are waiting for their wishes to come true.
Make-A-Wish Southern Nevada chapter was founded in 1996. Since then, more than 2,500 wishes have been granted for children with critical illnesses in the local community.

“I could not be more grateful for our community’s continued and growing support for our mission to grant life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses,” says Scott Rosenzweig, CEO of Make-A-Wish Southern Nevada. “Without the dedication of all the walkers, volunteers, corporate partners, donors, and our board of trustees, this event would not be possible. Thanks to our generous media partners at Channel 3 and Mix 94.1, this event continues to make an impact on our entire community, and we hope will continue to do so for many years to come. We are currently granting a record number of wishes so far this year thanks to our Southern Nevada community and continue to offer hope through the power of a wish.”