On Saturday, December 4th, the holiday season got brighter as more than 250 children enjoyed a fun filled morning shopping with 175 Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Foundation (LVMPD) officers. The annual Santa Cops holiday shopping experience was made possible with the support from LVMPD and Macy’s at the Fashion Show Mall.
Officers from each area command nominated children they knew were in great need. LVMPD Undersheriff Christopher Darcy joined the officers and children from all over the Las Vegas Valley as they shopped for toys and winter necessities in time for Christmas.
The goal of the event is to give kids the opportunity to interact with officers under positive circumstances. Other fun activities included an area where the kids were able to write letters to Santa and take photos with him.

Funding for Santa Cops is part of the LVMPD Foundation’s Holiday Gift & Give Campaign where donations help law enforcement give back to the communities they serve. For more information and a listing of upcoming LVMPD Foundation events or to make a donation, please visit lvmpdfoundation.org.
Source: LVMPD Foundation