The Weekly / MARCH 8 2022

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This Week's Top Stories
SPECIAL EDITION: Southern Nevada State of Economic Development Event Recap
On March 4th, we attended the State of Economic Development event hosted by the Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance (LVGEA). The event attracted more than 600 attendees which included elected officials and community and business leaders in Southern Nevada. Here are some of the topics from the event:
- Affordable Housing
- Diversifying Southern Nevada's Economy
- Water Issue
- Lack of Private Developable Land
- Workforce Development and Small Businesses
- UNLV and New Development
Workforce in Southern Nevada
(Please check your email display setting if you can't see the video below.)
Last Friday, we met Jaime Cruz, Executive Director at Workforce Connections. Workforce Connections is Southern Nevada’s Local Workforce Development Board. Jaime and his team are providing free workforce trainings, resources, and industrial partnership programs for employers and job seekers in Southern Nevada.
We met @cruzjaime_lv, Executive Director at @OneStopCareerNV, at @LVGEA State of Economic Development event.
— Vegas Business Digest (@VegasBusinessD) March 8, 2022
Jaime and his team are providing free workforce trainings and industrial partnership programs for employers and job seekers in Southern #Nevada. @DiversifyNevada
Commercial Real Estate
- UNLV Breaks Ground on Advanced Engineering Building
- Clark County Commission Approved Seven Affordable Housing Developments
- Nevada Clean Energy: 274-MW Solar Project Construction Update from McCarthy Building Companies
- Shoes That Fit and Clark County Donated New Athletic Shoes to 200 Children
- Notoriety Gives, A Performing Arts Nonprofit, Announces Board of Directors
- LVMPD and Urban Chamber of Commerce Launch Black Giving Circle Program During Black History Month
Econ and Finance
- $500 Million “Home Means Nevada” Affordable Housing Initiative
- Workforce Connections Awarded $1 Million of American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funds by City of Las Vegas
- UNLV Law School and Immigration Clinic Open New Office in Downtown Las Vegas
- UNLV Named Leah Chan Grinvald As New Dean of William S. Boyd School of Law
- Film and Video Production Industries Are Booming in Nevada, Vū Technologies Opens Las Vegas Studio
- Vū Technologies Receives $17M Seed Investment for Virtual Film and Video Production Studios
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Vegas Business Digest is a forward-thinking, local media publication that focuses on Las Vegas business news and community. Our mission is to document the stories of our city and help making our hometown better.
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